Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra had sparked rumors about their romantic linkup when they were working together in ‘Kaminey’, but with time the rumors faded. Some guessed that they just broke up. Ex-lovers or not, the two have come together once again for director Kunal Kohli’s ‘Teri Meri Kahaani’ and must say they make a wonderful pari together.
Kunal posted a few images from the film on his micro blogging site and tweeted, “Here’s an exclusive still from our film “Teri Meri Kahaani” … 2 more days for the trailer to be launched …”
The film portrays three different time periods between 1910 and 2012 and Shahid Kapoor plays two characters, Javed and Krish. Likewise Priyanka Chopra plays Chandni and Kareena. In a segment set in 1960s, Shahid reportedly plays a struggling music director while Priyanka plays an actress.
Kunal posted a few images from the film on his micro blogging site and tweeted, “Here’s an exclusive still from our film “Teri Meri Kahaani” … 2 more days for the trailer to be launched …”
The film portrays three different time periods between 1910 and 2012 and Shahid Kapoor plays two characters, Javed and Krish. Likewise Priyanka Chopra plays Chandni and Kareena. In a segment set in 1960s, Shahid reportedly plays a struggling music director while Priyanka plays an actress.
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